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Slovenia - a neatly set up packet for the outdoorsperson

I did some hiking in the Julian Alps. My original idea was to walk form one mountain hut to the next, but as I went there in May too many of these huts were not open. Consequently, I only did day hikes - which really is quite o.k. as if you plan where you stay, you can often walk (or get a bus) directly to the start of a well marked GR trail up and across the mountains. I had a guide with me to go up to Triglav. There was quite some snow on the mountain so that the support-chains were at some spots hidden deep under the snow and because of risk of avalanches, going up there was only doable early morning, before the sunshine would affect the weight of the snow and smaller and larger chunks of snow would start gliding down the mountainside. We set off to Triglav in Krma valley around 5 in the morning and were back to the car 12 hours later - but we stopped for lunch in the chalet (a big one) up there. 

Mid May means that all kinds of plants are showing their best - flowers of all colours from down in the valleys and up to the snowy parts pleased the eye. Fresh air and fine visibility so distant mountains marked the horizon but not the hue which is so common in Central Europe on a hot summers day. 

As I was spending the nights in "civilization" my backpack was very light and the hikes therefore easy. I am somehow sure, that if I was going there again I would go a bit later - early to mid June - and stay in the mountains, walking from hut to hut. The weight on my back would still be quite moderate and hiking like that is something I prefer to day hikes. 

Bottom line: if you haven´t been there, you should try to find time to go. 

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