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Shirts - my experience

As I mention in my "underwear" page, Merino-wool is the thing. Actually, when I go for longer backpacking tours, I have two long-sleeve, turtle neck half zip Merino wool mid-weight (200 g/m2) shirts with me. On a warm day (there will never be "hot" days up here) I will be marching on in one Merino wool shirt. Excellent ventilation and good sun-protection. If the wind blows too strong for a single layer, I put the other Merino shirt on. In strong wind, I wear one Merino and my rain jacket as windbreaker. Be it cold - same recipe, layers according to strength of wind. 

It is actually only in windy and chilly (2° to 6° C) conditions that I feel that I need a fleece jacket - but of course this happens quite frequently up in the interior, amidst the glaciers. This means, that one Merino  shirt is dry in my backpack when it comes to camping. First things first, change to the dry one after setting up the tent - even wear it in the sleeping bag when frost is on the radar. After breakfast the morning after, pack and just before leaving, take on the damp/wet shirt from the day before and pack the dry one to be ready for later use. 

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